Occupational Health & Safety HEALTH SAFETY FULL COMPLIANCE Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Act 85, 1993 According to the OHS Act, the Employer must, where reasonably practicable, [...]
Domestic workers and their employees have new rules to follow in South Africa relating to compensation for injuries or diseases stemming from a place of work. The Compensation for Occupational [...]
Excessive sick leave absenteeism creates numerous problems for employers and fellow employees and also evokes emotional responses – employers believing the sick leave is consistently abused, [...]
A LEGAL PERSPECTIVE Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that occurs online through various digital platforms such as social media, instant messaging, and text messaging. In South Africa, [...]
Employers are entitled to discipline employees for absenteeism. Employers can expect that there employees notify them regarding absenteeism and a failure to do so is a transgression of the [...]
ROUND 2 OF THE SAME PROBLEM There has been an increase in cases where employee smoke cannabis the night before and the question are they still under the influence. If your policy is silent you [...]
There has been an increase in cases where employee smoke cannabis the night before and the question are they still under the influence. If your policy is silent you may end up paying money at the [...]
The landmark labour court judgment is the first to rule that racial, ethnic and social origin harassment constitute unfair discrimination under the Employment Equity Act’s code of good practice. [...]
The Minister of Employment and Labour has, in terms of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) earnings threshold, revised the rate from R224 080.48 to R241 110.59 pa, effective from 1 [...]
What are some of the important principles governing the applicability of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993 (‘COIDA’) in the above circumstances as opposed to [...]