The Minister of Employment and Labour has declared that the Amending Main Collective Agreement and the Amending Administrative Collective Agreement, which were concluded in the Motor Industry Bargaining Council, as set out in the Schedule to these Notices, be extended to non-parties. This means that the conditions specified therein shall be binding on the parties who concluded the Agreements and on other employers and employees in that industry.
These Agreements shall come into operation from 27 January 2025 and shall remain in operation for the period ending 31 August 2025.
The terms of this Agreement shall be observed by all employers and employees in the registered scope of the Council;
(a) in the Republic of South Africa;
· by the employers and employees in the Motor Industry who are members of the employee organisation and/or trade unions respectively and;
· by non-parties, to the extent that the minster has granted an extension of this agreement to non-parties in terms of Section 32 of the LRA,
(b) excluding those in terms of Section 2 of the LRA:
· The National Defence Force
· The National Intelligence Agency
· The South African Secret Service