In the matter of MURRAY AND ROBERTS CEMENTATION (PTY) LTD V AMCU OBO DUBE AND OTHERS (JA96 / 2022) [2023] ZALAC 26 (18 OCTOBER 2023), the complexities of workplace absenteeism and disciplinary [...]
WORKING ON FIRE (PTY) LTD V MAFISA AND OTHERS (JR2132/20) [2024] ZALCJHB 104 (6 MARCH 2024)The employee worked as a Regional Manager.The employee wrote an email that amounted effectively to an [...]
In Mgaga v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others [2024] 7 BLLR 699 (LAC), the employee had been employed by the Department of Correctional Services since 1985. While employed [...]
In the matter of CHEMICAL, ENERGY, PAPER, PRINTING, WOOD AND ALLIED WORKERS’ UNION OBO LUVUYO / ENGEN PETROLEUM – (2023) 32 NBCCI 7.1.2 [2023] 4 BALR 327 (NBCCI) The employee was [...]
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa obo Mvotyo / Transnet Freight Rail – Eastern Cape – (2024) 33 TBC 8.18.1 also reported at [2024] 1 BALR 12 (TBC) Subject [...]