In the matter of MURRAY AND ROBERTS CEMENTATION (PTY) LTD V AMCU OBO DUBE AND OTHERS (JA96 / 2022) [2023] ZALAC 26 (18 OCTOBER 2023), the complexities of workplace absenteeism and disciplinary [...]
A recent decision by the Labour Appeal Court (LAC) in Algoa Bus Company (Pty) Ltd v Tirisano Transport and Services Workers Union (TASWU) obo Mzawi and Others considers an employer’s onus in [...]
The court said evidence provided by Woolworths did not meet legal standards as it failed to show the employee knew the doctor was fraudulent A recent judgment by the Labour Appeal Court (LAC) has [...]
The Labour Appeal Court had to determine whether a settlement agreement concluded at the CCMA, extinguished the rights of the employer in so far as it related to a restraint of trade agreement. [...]
In Porter Motor Group v Karachi (“Karachi”), the Labour Appeal Court (“LAC”) set out the principles of bumping in retrenchments. It held that the Last In First Out (“LIFO”) principle is [...]
In the recent case of Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union v UASA (Formerly named the United Association of South Africa) and Others [2023] 11 BLLR 1134 (LAC) the Labour Appeal Court [...]